Ineterst in Warcraft lore isn't just a thing for roleplayers. If you raid, you are always in the middle of the important lore events. I'm sincerely shocked that so many people don't care about the storylines and don't even want to understand what is happening in the game around them. And then there are of course the quest texts, personally I just love the immersion that happens when I involve myself to the events of Azeroth. These days quite a few people just sit in Stormwind or Orgrimmar and spam dungeon finder or battlegrounds to level. Oh they miss so much of the game world. There have been and are some absolutely brilliant quest chains that have brilliant stories written in them. Many have played the worgen and goblin starting zones, they offer a good feel to the whole race, what they really are about. Then if you haven't already, spend some time and level a forsaken character through Tirsfal glades and Silverpine Forest, that is some nice storytelling! For me there are some truly memorable quest experiences: Wrathgate in WotLK, the missing diplomat -quest chain in the old days, Hyjal quest chain, Horde Dragonmaw quest chain in Twilight Highlands and the Shady Rest inn quests in Dustwallow.
But enough of memorizing, what I want to talk about today is the status of Alliance in current state of events. Cataclysm has been very much about Thrall and quite a lot about Horde or neutral factions. Malfurion has been more a neutral npc than an Alliance leader. One of my favourite WoW fansites, WoW insider, had recently couple of podcasts where they discussed the Alliance status. What's the problem then? The truth is, Alliance seems to be pretty boring at the moment. Many people dislike the fact that Alliance seems to be losing all the time to the Garrosh's Horde, but I don't really care about that. The problem is, Alliance doesn't seem to do much about it. I now present a few ideas that I think would improve the overall story developement from where we are at the moment:
1. Tension. We need it. And I don't mean just war between Alliance and Horde that has been in a focus in Cata and will be likely even more in MoP. I mean tension within factions. The Horde has it, it remains to be seen what happens between Forsaken and the rest of the Horde. But Alliance is just lamely united and their only leader seems to be Varian Wrynn, who in my opinion is quite a shallow character. We need different point of views. There are many possibilities, like hot headed Varian vs. other Alliance leaders or maybe even tension building within night elves which takes us to the second point.
2. Malfurion and Tyrande. Oh boy, there's a huge wave of complaints that Tyrande is too passive and acts now just to be arm-candy for Malfurion. She just doesn't seem to do anything. We need something more alike to Warcraft III where she had strong opinions and would say them openly also when that'd mean disagreeing with Malfurion. Malfurion is too much out of this world to be interesting all by himself. We need something to happen to him, some sort of character developoment.
3. Jaina Proudmoore. We haven't heard anything of Jaina since the end of WotLK. And we know Theramore will be destroyed by the Horde. This offers a good chance to develope Jaina. Will she feel betrayed? What will she do? Some proper drama would be in order.
6. Less comedy. Ok. Occasional comedy is good, but not when whole zones are built over pop-culture referrences. I'd like to see slitghtly more serious themes.
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