I think Horde is currently doing better from the story point of view. And I don't just mean that Cataclysm has been huge military victory for the Horde. Alliance lost Southshore, big chunks of Ashenvale and we know that Theramore will fall. I don't really care if one or other has the upper hand in the Horde-Alliance war, but what I do care about is the overall story. Of course from gameplay perspective Alliance players need to feel that what they do has some meaning. Alliance has been crippled during Cata. New human introduction says it clearly, Alliance was just recovering from the war against the Scourge when Deathwing came. Horde just was more prepared and took the advantage when it was possible. But now it's time to examine some major issues in Horde storyline. This entry will be about a major figure in Cataclysm:
1. Garrosh Hellscream
They love him, they hate him, he's the ultimate warmonger and many players would like to see him gone. It's not just as simple as that. Who is this Garrosh anyway? If you don't know about the lore let's do a quick recollection:
But what is it with Garrosh then that pisses people of? I think the problem is that people see him as very shallow, one-sided personality. It is true that Garrosh is a warrior from inside out and he really does care most about the survival of the Horde and his people, by any means neccessary. Horde needs timber and farmland to survive? Ok, let's invade Ashenvale. Many see Garrosh only as a hot head who wants war at every turn. If you play Stonetalon mountain storyline as Horde character, you will see that there's more to him. In the culminating events we learn that the campaign is necessary, but destroying druid grove is too much for Garrosh. He strongly disapproves the massacre of innocents. We see that Garrosh fights a war, that's true, but he's also an orc that holds honor in great value. Honorable orc doesn't kill innocents.
Garrosh is an epitome of the orc slogan: strength and honor. But how do his people see him? Think for a moment yourself: He is leading a succesful war campaing and claiming more land which secures the survival of his people. He also is brown skinned, a living symbol for overcoming the corruption and for the new beginning of orc race. What do you think, do his people want him to continue as warchief?
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