Saturday 11 February 2012

Aspects of gold making

Everyone needs gold in WoW. For some it's just an annoying thing that accumulates so we can buy our abilities and gems and such. Most of those folks always remember to complain how dreadfully expensive gems and enchants are. They may have professions, but they don't really sell stuff at auction house. Gold is something that accumulates slowly. If they don't spend much, they actually might get if not rich, but still wealthy enough to buy something if they really need to. Things are easier these days. Questing can earn nice gold when you're max level and things don't cost as much as they used to. No more 1000g dual spec in Cata.

People have different approaches to making gold. Some  fund their in-game life by doing dailies and running dungeons. Some people combine this with some profession based gold, but most people just don’t know how insanely profitable all the professions are. And I mean all of them!
Well, to be honest first aid and maybe archeology need to be excluded here, but every other profession is a potential gold mine.  I’ve tried my fair share of different things, and I believe that utilizing professions is the best way to make lots of gold. In upcoming entries I will explain how the professions work. When you have done your pre-work, learned professions and different tools. Casual gold making becomes easy and doesn't take a lot of time. Of course if you're aiming for the sky-high fortunes and huge piles of gold to sit on, you can do that as well. It only requires more time spent. But let's put it like this: You spend 1 hour doing dailies and earn about 500g. That's what many players do. And usually on more than one character. In comparison, I'll repost my auctions and collect sales which takes about 15 minutes. Couple of times a week I spend half an hour more to restock my stuff so I have things to sell. If I'd go more hc, I'd need to spend like an hour a day to play ah and professions. Then my daily earnings would be something like 10k per day. Now I'm using more casual approach and collect some 2-3k sales every day. Wanna learn how to do it? No worries, I will show you.

Next time some talk about dirty stuff: the gold sellers. Keep in touch.


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