Wednesday 21 March 2012

Horde issues: Thrall

Ok. Big things happening in the WoW community. NDA lifted on the information from MoP press event and we have good amounts of info flowing through the web. Check out Wowhead and WoW Insider for great coverage on the event, new zones, dungeons and monk class among other things!

But now it's time for the final part of Horde issues lore entries. These Horde issues have been about different things that pop out from the current status of story in WoW. Now it's time for the true leading character of Cataclysm:

5. Thrall

Ex-warchief, world shaman and, in the final moments of Cataclysm, even the acting aspect of Earth, this orc has come a long way from Warcraft III. In this expansion his story arc expanded and had an ultimate climax with the events of the Dragon Soul raid. Thrall was the hero here, he stood up for everyone and defeated the ultimate evil threatening the world. He got the girl and they are on their way to be a happy little family. Ok. Done. Now what?

The story of Thrall has been an interesting one. It is the ultimate story of achieving great things. He's the generic figure of fairytales, an orphan who becomes king. He is a well written character, not everything is visible in the game. Reading the novels you see real doubt and struggles within him. He's not an ultimate baddass hero, but an actual person in the world. That being said, Thrall has a huge risk of being what is commonly known as a Mary Sue. He sometimes seems to be too perfect. I'm fine with melodramatic storytelling, but we've seen the Thrall story now.

Aggra is an interesting personality and she could be developed further, but with Thrall we have achieved the climax. Everything from now on can be only anticlimatic or just plain bad storytelling. We know that in MoP things will accelerate to the point where Garrosh becomes the enemy and he must be overthrown. I sincerely hope that we won't be seeing Thrall coming back to being the warchief. He might step up against Sylvanas or just be the general wise shaman figure in the backround. There can be things happening, but the story must move on. With Thrall we can't go back, he must be developed further so he can be utilized. He's not old so there's plenty for him to do, but we shouldn't see BC or WorLK Thrall anymore. He is the hero of the Horde and remains so (unless they do the ultimate b-class plot twist where Thrall becomes the bad guy...), but he's grown up now and achieved so much already. Dear Blizzard writers, just be careful with Thrall!

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